About Me

Galax United Methodist Youth (GUMY) is the youth group of the First United Methodist Church of Galax, VA. This blog is devoted to keeping our friends and families updated as we strive to be Apostles for the Kingdom of God...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


More updates...SURPRISE! ;)

December 16th: 5 Steps to the Nativity 'play' at the church. Adults- we invite you to come out between 5 & 7 and walk through the scenes that build up to the Nativity. Following your 'tour' through the Christmas Story head down to the fellowship hall for a free soup bar. Invite your friends!! Youth- if you're involved make sure to be at the church ready to go on time!!

December 24th: Christmas Eve Service at the Church. Come out and celebrate with us as we prepare our hearts for Christ's birth!

January 6th: Parents of youth going to Resurrection, youth going to Resurrection, & chaperones- make sure to join us for our 'pre-Resurrection' meeting at The Bridge. Make sure to bring all of your forms. Remember, they MUST be notarized. If you can't get them notarized, there will be a notary at the meeting! If you can't be there let Chris know ASAP!!!

Youth Girls: Be on the look out for updates concerning a girl's day out over Christmas Break. 

Youth Guys: Be on the look out for updates concerning a guy's day out over Christmas Break.

We want to thank everyone who came out and ate Ham with us last Sunday! We are so appreciative of everyone's support. You all helped us make a HUGE dent into our expenses for Resurrection!!

We also want to thank everyone who was involved in the Christmas Parade! We had several parents and several youth and children come out and help us get the message of Christ's birth into the community!

Lastly, we are so proud of our youth who came out this afternoon to purchase items for two kids from the angel tree! We are so thankful to have such an active group of youth!

Thats it...for now.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's that time again...

...It's THAT time again @ FUMC... As the holiday season is SO rapidly approaching, I wanted to give you all a quick heads up!

Once again we are having our annual ham dinner fundraiser in the fellowship hall. YOUTH- this counts as Resurrection Credit!!!!! ADULTS- Tell your friends and family members to come join us for ham, sweet potato casserole, homemade desserts, cole sale, green beans, deviled eggs, and rolls. This meal has NO cost associated; we are only asking that participants donate what they can. The meal starts at 10:30 and we will be serving through 1:00. If needed we DO have take-out plates! 

FRIDAY December 7th: Galax Christmas Parade
Chris is in the process of trying to put together a float for the Christmas Parade. Stay tuned for more information as this develops.

SUNDAY December 16th: Christmas Production
YOUTH- Sara still needs volunteers to help make the annual 5 Steps to the Nativity production possible. If you would be interested in participating see her ASAP!! Your participation, in the production and practices, counts towards community service credits for Resurrection.

Youth: Make sure that you get in touch with Chris to check up on your status for Resurrection. Please remember, for every credit you DON'T fulfill comes with a cost of $10.00. 

Resurrection Parents: Normally, the church provides each youth with $10 per meal that isn't provided through our trip. This comes to a total of $30 per youth. In an effort to help ease our financial strain, we are giving each parent the option of providing their child with this $30. Our plan is to supply each child with this money UNLESS you contact Chris before we leave on January 18th. We ask that if you CAN pay for your child's meal you give $30 to Chris so that when money is given out no one feels singled out.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Chris! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

UPDATE: Upcoming Events

When I posted the last events post I accidentally left two events off and we have since added another event....get ready.....

1. Wednesday, October 31: This is Halloween. The Bridge will be open and be involved in the Downtown Associations events for the night. We need people to come support The Bridge in their efforts to reach the community. If you are a student or an adult who would be willing to help pass out candy, dress up, man games, etc let Chris know ASAP!

2. Wednesday, October 31...YES, this IS the same date as the above: The children's ministry will be hosting their annual Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot. Sara needs all the help she can get for this event! She FOR SURE needs two students/youth to be 'walkers' at the downtown event. For this you would have to wear a sign that says the church is having Trunk or Treat and walk around downtown and try and get people to go to the church. She also needs TRUNKS. If you have a car and are willing to bring candy and decorate you're trunk she would be forever grateful. Lastly, she will need people to help with the food/snacks that will be freely passed out.

BOTH of these events are in need of help! If you're available, please consider being a part of either of these efforts as they are both huge evangelism tools AND either will count towards your Resurrection Credits.

Lastly: Saturday, October 27th:  The YOUTH (aka YOUUUUUU!) are hosting the FIRST Annual Church Wide Fall Bazaar in the church parking lot. We need as many youth to come as possible since the money donated will go to send y'all to Resurrection and to pay for many events that we do. The Bazaar will last from 9-2 therefore we need people there from 8-3. If you can't stay the entire time, that is perfectly okay...just stay as long as you can.

We are trying to encourage people to set up yard sale tables, craft tables, and business tables (similar to a downtown festival). The cost to set up is $5.00....that will go to the youth. We have also asked that 20% of any money made be donated back to the youth group. Lastly, We are asking people to donate home made baked goods for us to sell along with Hot Apple Cider and S'Mores by the fire.  We are wanting to have some games for kids to play and some different activities.

 If you have any ideas to make this event more exciting/appealing/profitable let Chris or Libby know ASAP. 

If you or someone you know or are related to would like to set up a booth have them get in touch with Chris or Libby ASAP, as well!

We are really excited about all that October holds, even though it's going to SUPER busy! Get ready to raise money and haveeee fun! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Upcoming Events

We have a TON of events coming up in the next little bit!! 

1: September 26th- See You at the Pole. Come out to the flag pole on your way into school to pray. Local youth pastors will be on hand to support the Galax High School FCA. Come out and pray and get some free breakfast! :)

2: October 7th- The YOUTH GROUP (aka YOU) will host a Soup & Potato Bar fundraiser for The Bridge in the fellowship hall of the church...AFTER the services. We will be preparing the things during the services. 
We need A LOT of donations- Soups and/or Chili, Potatoes, Tin Foil, Butter, Sour Cream, Shredded Cheese, Bacon Bits, and Chives.  If you and/or your parents or family members are interesting in donating ANY of the following PLEASE have them see Chris or Libby Luper or call Chris at 276.237.7513. 
We need all of the youth help we can get to put the items together, set up the fellowship hall, and clean up during and after the meal. If you are willing to help let Chris know IMMEDIATELY!!  It's important to be at the meal and to help since the money raised will go straight to the Bridge to benefit you! ALSO, this counts as a community service event for your Resurrection requirements.

3: October 12th- We will host a 5th quarter at The Bridge following the home Galax football game versus Graham. The 5th Quarter will go from about 7:30-11:00 pm. For this event we need donations of food. If your parents/family members would like to donate pizza, snacks, or drinks to this event have them get in touch with Chris via phone, text, twitter, or Facebook! 
This information needs to be put on the announcements at school and also needs to be announced at the football game. If you're willing to be in charge of either of these tasks let Chris know.
Also, if you stay afterwards to clean up you will receive a community service event credit for your Resurrection requirements!
If there is anything special (game, movie, food, etc.) you'd like to do/have/see at the 5th quarter see Chris to discuss.

4: October 13th- Annual Scarowinds Trip. The cost of the trip is $40.00. We will leave the church around 2 or 3 and will return around 3 in the morning. If you want to go see Chris or sign-up at The Bridge. Remember that to go you MUST have a current 2012 medical form on file. We DO need adults to go as chaperones, as well. If you are interested in being a chaperone see Chris.  The DEADLINE to sign-up and turn in money is SEPTEMBER 30th.

5: October 20- Annual Creeper Trail Bike Ride.  The cost of the trip is $13.00 which includes lunch and a shuttle ride to the top of the mountain. Remember that to go you MUST have a current 2012 medical form on file. We also need adults to chaperone this trip. If you are interested in being a chaperone and/or participating in the ride sign-up at The Bridge or see Chris. The DEADLINE to sign-up and turn in money is OCTOBER 7th.

6: October 26th- We will host a 5th quarter at The Bridge following the home Galax football game versus Bland-Rocky Gap. The 5th Quarter will go from about 7:30-11:00 pm. For this event we need donations of food. If your parents/family members would like to donate pizza, snacks, or drinks to this event have them get in touch with Chris via phone, text, twitter, or Facebook! 
This information needs to be put on the announcements at school and also needs to be announced at the football game. If you're willing to be in charge of either of these tasks let Chris know.
Also, if you stay afterwards to clean up you will receive a community service event credit for your Resurrection requirements!
If there is anything special (game, movie, food, etc.) you'd like to do/have/see at the 5th quarter see Chris to discuss.

7:November 2nd- We will host a 5th quarter at The Bridge following the home Galax football game versus Grayson. The 5th Quarter will go from about 7:30-11:00 pm. For this event we need donations of food. If your parents/family members would like to donate pizza, snacks, or drinks to this event have them get in touch with Chris via phone, text, twitter, or Facebook! 
This information needs to be put on the announcements at school and also needs to be announced at the football game. If you're willing to be in charge of either of these tasks let Chris know.
Also, if you stay afterwards to clean up you will receive a community service event credit for your Resurrection requirements!
If there is anything special (game, movie, food, etc.) you'd like to do/have/see at the 5th quarter see Chris to discuss.

8: January 18-20- RESURRECTION! The deadline to sign-up (@ The Bridge) and turn in a $50 deposit is NOVEMBER 4th. The trip information is the same as last year...staying in the cabin, free time in downtown Gatlinburg, family supper, etc. Just like any other trip, you MUST have a current 2013 medical form on file to participate. Also, if you attend 10 church services (@ any church), 10 youth services, and participate in 12 community service events you only have to pay the $50.00 deposit. For more information visit www.resurrectionyouth.com. We DO need more adult chaperones to sign-up for this trip. If your parents are interested in going please let Chris know.

As you can see we are SUPER busy and have a lot going on in a SHORT amount of time. Be adding these dates to your calendars and signing up so you can go. If you have a friend who would like to go, sign them up, too. 

Just a few reminders:
-The Bridge is open EVERY Wednesday from 3:30-7:30. There is NO special event going on at this time. You are welcome to come hang out and watch a movie, play some pool/ping pong, play on the computer, play the wii, do homework, etc. Invite your friends.
-Youth meets on SUNDAY nights from 5:30-7 pm. Currently we are doing an Andy Griffith Bible Study.
-We are currently studying the book of Romans at CountyLine Cafe from 6:45-7:30 on Tuesday mornings. Remember that you MUST have a medical form on file to participate in this event and provide your own breakfast money. Chris DOES take a bus to the middle/high school following breakfast to drop you guys (students/youth) off.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Back to School BASH

YOUTH come out on August 11th to the church parking lot for THE Back to School Bash. We'll be out from 6pm-10pm. There will be FREE food!!!! (Cookout) We'll have lots of outdoor games including, but not limited to, lawn bowling, twister, ULTIMATE tug-o-war. We're also having an outdoor movie!! Lastly we'll be having the iPad drawing!!! :)

6th-12th graders welcome!

Invite your friends!

Questions? Chris Luper 237.7513

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Girls Day Out (7.11.12)

For girls day out we headed to Hanes Mall in Winston and had all kinds of FUN! We split up into groups and had about 4 hours of shopping, nails, and FOOD! 

We love our girls! :)

 Birthday Donuts!

 Lauren didn't want her picture taken!

 Birthday Donuts!

We're HOME!

We got home on Saturday night about 6:00. I realize it's now Thursday- can you say life is CRAZY?? Anyways- The ride home was interesting to say the least! The a/c on the van had a mind of its own like always and the a/c on the bus couldn't keep up with the 116* temperature! We were HOT!!! 

Thanks for all of the prayers! :) We are so lucky to have such a supportive group surrounding us! :)

Random pictures from the trip!